Notes below in quotation marks are descriptions from the individual website. Please contact the webmaster if you find any errors or dead links, or if you have suggestions for further research tools to add.
- The LINGUIST List:International Linguistics Community Online, operated by Eastern Michigan University; ‘providing a forum where academic linguists can discuss linguistic issues and exchange linguistic information’.
- WordNet Home Page: ‘a large lexical database of English’.
- K DICTIONARIES: ‘a technology-oriented content creator, offering quality lexicographic resources for multiple languages … data is available for all types of media, for educational, professional and general purposes’, with annual newsletter.
- Auslan Signbank: an interactive dictionary of Australian Sign Language.
- Australian languages.
Other Lexicography Links
- Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages: “a digital archive of endangered literature in Australian Indigenous languages from around the Northern Territory.”
- List for discussion of lexicography, mirrored by the Linguist List.
- Asian Emphasis: ‘a high-quality writing, research and translation service covering topics related to Asia in general and China in particular’.
- Dictionary Research Centre: at the University of Birmingham, ‘an umbrella for lexicographical activities and interests within the Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics’.
- Lexicography MasterClass: Sue Atkins, Adam Kilgarriff, and Michael Rundell project management, consultancy, and workshops in lexicography and lexical computing. (See also their publication The Oxford Guide to Practical Lexicography by Sue Atkins and Michael Rundell, OUP 2008.)
- African Languages Lexicon Project (ALLEX)
- TITUS (Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien).
- Linguistic Data Archiving Project at Laboratoire de langues et civilisations à tradition orale (LACITO).
- Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española, Spanish-language resource set up by Professor Manuel Alvar Ezquerra from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, containing ‘dictionaries, grammars and other works that will surely be of interest to those scholars doing research on mono- or bilingual lexicography involving Spanish’.